Sifu Daniels with Grandmaster Wing Lam

Sifu Daniels with Grandmaster Wing Lam

​Sifu Daniels practices double butterfly knives. A classic Hung Gar weapon.

​Sifu Daniels practices double butterfly knives. A classic Hung Gar weapon.

Sifu Robert Daniels of the Bay area has trained for over 38 years and has taught for 35 years with certification from Grandmaster Wing Lam, whose lineage extends back to the famous Wong Fei Hung and Ku Yu Cheung.

Sifu Daniels specializes in Shaolin and Hung Gar Kung Fu, Sun Style Tai Chi, Iron Body and Iron Palm, and defensive tactics for law enforcement.

In 1993, he opened the first Wing Lam satellite school in Memphis, Tennessee and in 1999, he relocated the school to Redmond, WA. The school, or Kwoon, now operates as part of the Redmond Kung Fu Club.


Also, if you're a fan of film and television, you might be able to spot Sifu Daniels in Star Trek: TNG, Cheers, Alien Nation, Scrooged, and The Flash. See his IMDB here.

Sifu Robert Daniel's Kung Fu Lineage